Tuesday 27 November 2018

kinnour tour package

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Reach in Chandigarh meet our great representative and Transfer by road from Chandigarh to Sarahan. On arrival check in at hotel. Evening visit Bhimakali temple at Sarahan. Overnight stay at Sarahan.
DAY 2 : SARAHAN - KALPAImage result for kalpa kinnaur images
Morning visit Bhimakali temple again and later drive to Kalpa, one of the most beautiful Himalayan village in Kinnaur valley. Check in Hotel. From Kalpa we have beautiful view of the holy Kinner Kailash Mountain. Afternoon walk in traditional bazaar of Kalpa.
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After breakfast go for a short walk above Kalpa village. Afternoon drive to Sangla, one of the most hidden valleys in Himachal Pradesh. Check in Hotel.
DAY 4 : SANGLA - CHITKULImage result for chitkul images
After breakfast go for a full day excursion to Chitkul, the last village on Indo-Chinese boarder. It is an hour drive from Sangla to Chitukul. Walk inside Chitukul village. Later drive back to Sangla and visit Kamru Fort temple above Sangla Village.
After breakfast drive to Narkanda. Check in Hotel. Afternoon a short excursion to nearby Hattu peaks from where you have view of high Himalayan peaks and the valley below.
Morning visit the nearby villages , famous for apple orchards of Himachal Predesh. Later drive to Chandigarh to board afternoon flight back home.

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